Today is a big day for our family. It is the celebration
of Cameron’s Baptism. We think it is such a great day because it is a celebration of where we have come with our buddy since he has made his grand entrance on March 11th this year. Stephanie’s mother flew into town for the event and my parents will be attending the service at our church this morning. We do not believe this “gets him into heaven;” however, we believe that we will be parents that show him God’s amazing love for us and that we ask God to bless Him and continue His great Love to Cameron.
Many of you know our story and what happened when we went into the hospital. I think today is a celebration of all that happened and how were blessed by God before, during and after what happened.
We went in to be induced on March 10, 2010 at 10pm at night. We got situated in the hospital room and were watching television. When Stephanie began to be induced, they were having an issue to get the IV started. To put it short, Stephanie DOES NOT LIKE NEEDLES. She curled up into a ball and was bawling. All I could do was hold her and say it was going to be okay and it was nearly complete. Well, I started to get the feeling that I needed something with sugar in it and I said “I do not feel that w……”. I was trying to say well; however, I passed out. When I passed out, I slammed my head on the ground. When that occurred and was found the next day, the force had cause a cerebral hemorrhage in my brain.
At the EXACT moment the doctor was telling me that information, a pastor from the church we had been attending walked in to the room. The pastor and I had never met before but developed an immediate friendship. He sat and prayed with my father and me as my mom went running from the room to tell Stephanie what was going on with me. The pastor read from Psalm 34. It encouraged me and all I could say is we will praise Him through this and How Great our God really is.
After prepping for an hour and PRAYING, the rolled me past Stephanie’s room. I had to sign a document that due to the high risk of surgery, I could pass away. We were both aware of that as we cried together and hugged. This is the part of the story that always takes the longest because I stop and cry each time I write this or tell the story. The feelings that were running through me were insane. I can not explain them to you other than I am thankful we had God holding us through that time.
I went into surgery at 4:20pm and I woke up just after 6pm (a certain hospital in Phoenix take note! (Another story)). I called Stephanie’s room and talked to her. It was awesome to hear her and also awesome we were not parents yet! I had not missed it.
I went up to my room and there were friends and family all over. It was such an awesome feeling to have after all that happened. It meant the world to me to have that type of support.
After awhile, people went home and I just hung out with my nurses and monitors awaiting to hear about Stephanie and the baby. I found out around 9pm that they were going to be able to get me into the room for the birth. They told me to rest up before hand and so I tried to sleep the best I could. My brother crashed in my room on the pullout sofa.
Then at 1:25pm, in come the nurses. We get whisked downstairs and I get sent into the room, or wheeled to be more accurate. I was a tad shocked to see Stephanie’s mom and my mom in there hold her and helping her through the delivery. Talk about troopers coming together to help out!!! Cameron came at 2:15am Thursday March 11, 2010. I got to cut the cord and hold him for a bit before I had to return. Oh, and he was 10lbs 3oz. THAT’S RIGHT: HUGE!! But healthy.
This picture here simply sums up this experience. Stephanie with one of her nurses who was there through it all, me with TWO of my nurses who made sure I was in the room and of
course, our Cameron. It makes me think about all that happened and all that, as a family, we ALL went through and all I can simply say is How Great Thou Art!! People are shocked by our story and how I am came through the surgery but to be honest, God pulled us through and also, Stephanie was the amazing one through this. She delivered the big boy but also had to see her husband and best friend pass out, hear the noise of my head on the ground, hear I have to have brain surgery watch me being wheeled away and THEN pushed that baby out FIVE DAYS EARLY at 10 lbs. She showed me God’s amazing love to this day and am thankful for that.
So today is a special day. This is how I see it three hours before the baptism. I will share some pictures and hopefully video of it after the event. And yes, I will be in tears but the tears will be that of joy and happiness. I am blessed to have this story of trials OVERCOME simply by the grace of God. I hope this story is service to Him that ANYTHING can be overcome when Christ is on your side!