Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father’s Day 2014

Each year I post a blog about my father and they way the man has helped shape my life. Each post comes from a place a deep appreciation for what he has taught me as a man and as a father myself. This year though I want to focus on his relationship with my sons, and celebrating him.

The past year has been a challenging one for my dad. Work has been insanely busy (when is it not though). But the big difference this year is that my dad lost his mom. He lost his dad 27 years ago and even though he knew this day would come, he still hit him hard and understandably so. He taught me something during that trying time for him: Celebrate now. Celebrate family. Love each other and do so unconditionally. Sounds like something our Father in Heaven taught us to do, doesn’t it?

My dad has a blast with my sons. And when I say blast, that is an understatement. The four year old runs to him every time he comes over and wants to play trains. The two year old is coming around to his grandfaDad with Boysther, especially in the last six months. The feeling I get to watch my dad come in and the boys GO NUTS is one I cannot explain. It is a feeling he unfortunately only got to see with me and his dad. My brother never met my grandfather. He gets pulled into my son’s rooms to play trains and the youngest goes bulldozing in to play with him as well. They cannot get enough of him.

If my boys feel this way about their grandfather, then they are understanding the joy and appreciation me and my brother feel about him. He taught us so much. The sacrifices he made is mind blowing. And why did he do it? Not for recognition. Anyone who knows him knows he could care less of being recognized. What he cares about is that he shows God’s love and the ultimate sacrifice He made for us.

A few months ago, he called to ask if him and my mother could take21 Cameron Bible shopping to purchase his first Bible. This was a big deal growing up and still have the last Bible they gave me. Yes, the post car flood Bible. That is a whole other story for another time. His focus is that his grandchildren are raised with the same character and beliefs he raised his sons.

He is a special father and amazing Grandfather. I am so incredibly lucky to call him Dad. When you have people like this in your life, make sure you tell them you love them. I love you dad. Thank you for all that you have done for myself and Andrew. Thank you for all that you have done for my wife. Thank you for all that you do for my sons.

Happy Father’s Day.

1 comment:

  1. My grandsons have a great father. Happy Father's Day, son.
